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Save time & effort
Avoid manual data processing
Easily manage direct debits & credits
Saves you from changing your account system
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What is SEPA?


The Single Euro Payments Area or SEPA is a European network that allows you to transfer money in Euro currency between two cross-border bank accounts in the eurozone.

Developed by the European Payments Council EPC, SEPA aims to establish a single monetary and economic union that makes sending and receiving SEPA zone payments easy and cost effective by having a consistent set of standards and conditions in place.

What Size Organisation Is EazyEFT Suitable For ?

Business information desk

EazyEFT is currently being used by hundreds of Irish, UK and European based organisations in numerous different countries across a wide range of industries, ranging from those doing a handful (4 or 5) transactions per month, right up to organisations doing in excess of 25,000 transactions a month.


​No matter what the size of your organisation, EazyEFT can help.

What Is EazyEFT?


Lir Software's EazyEFT (our direct debit software), is an easy to use software application that generates SEPA compliant PAIN.008 (direct debits) and PAIN.001 (bulk credit payments) XML files for uploading to your bank.


So for example, if you were thinking of offering your customers the option of paying you by direct debit, then you would need direct debit software to produce a file in the format required by your bank. That's where EazyEFT comes in.

Who are Lir Software?


  • Lir Software, the creators of EazyEFT, are one of Ireland’s leading providers of SEPA compliant software.


  • Founded in 2003, Lir Software have firmly established themselves as the experts in 'All Things SEPA' and have built up an impressive list of both domestic and multinational customers across numerous countries.


  • In April 2021, Lir Software became a wholly owned subsidiary of Quick Pharm Solutions.

EazyEFT Currently Supported Banks


Hundreds of customers are using EazyEFT to create files for the following Irish, UK and European based banks in 11 different countries. EazyEFT should also work in theory, with ANY bank within the Eurozone that supports the SEPA PAIN.008 and PAIN.001 file formats.



Ready to try EazyEFT?


Explore EazyEFT application and see how it will help you in your Euro transactions SEPA requirements.

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